November 12 - 14 - Devoxx Morocco 2025 - Marrakech 🌞🌴 🇲🇦
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Speaker details

Julien Durillon
Clever Cloud

Developer & ops at Clever Cloud, which I’m a co-founder of. I’m historically a Java dev that fell into Scala land.

I love to talk about what we do at Clever Cloud and how we do it!

Beware, I might take you into a discussion on optimized keyboard layouts!

In this talk, i’ll dive for you into some networking concepts and how to implement them on a linux OS!

  • What is NAT? (baby don’t hurt me no more)
  • `ip route` is fine, but have you heard about `ip rule`?
  • Inspect traffic to find out why it’s not working


Dans cette présentation, j’irai en profondeur dans quelques concepts réseau en montrant comment les implémenter sur Linux!

  • C’est quoi NAT , en fait ?
  • `ip route` c’est sympa, mais avez-vous dĂ©jĂ  entendu parler de `ip rule` ?
  • Comment inspecter le trafic pour comprendre oĂą on s’est planté ?

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