Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may god assist him 🇲🇦
October 2 - 4 - Devoxx Morocco 2024 - 🇲🇦 Marrakesh 🌞🌴
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Jeremy Adams
Jeremy is a senior leader with both a technical and a strategic streak. Passionate about people and entrepreneurship, integration and automation. Through technical/business roles at Dagger, GitHub, Twistlock, and Puppet, Jeremy has both zoomed in and zoomed out a lot, acquiring an appreciation for the details and an ever-broader sense of the big architectural picture.
No matter where you are on your journey to building the perfect developer platform, chances are that your CI Pipelines (and the team members that build them) are unsung heroes.
Interacting with CI can be slow, painful, and opaque: whether you're consuming the CI platform or building/maintaining it. If you've had to wrangle hundreds of lines of proprietary YAML (or that DSL only one person on the team knows) just to modify or debug a CI pipeline, you deserve a medal, and your CI pipelines deserve to be code.
CI pipelines as code means writing CI logic with your team's preferred programming language instead of proprietary YAML syntax.
CI YAML grows longer and more complex over time, making CI pipelines harder to read, test, and debug--slowing your team down!
Writing CI pipelines in code solves this by bringing testability, readability, and even portability to CI!
By using the language your team already knows, your whole team can contribute to your pipelines.
Pipelines as code means you can run them anywhere, including locally, speeding up the developer feedback cycle for code changes.
Implementing CI pipelines as code treats your crucial software delivery logic with respect and allows you to transform your CI platform from a bottleneck to an accelerator for you whole team!
Demos! We'll share real world examples using Dagger (https://dagger.io) to show how CI/CD pipelines as code can solve these problems today using Go, Python, and Node.js locally and in CI.