October 2 - 4 - Devoxx Morocco 2024 - 🇲🇦 Palm Plaza hotel - Marrakech 🌞🌴
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Edition 2023


In partnership with the Souss Massa Regional Council, the 9th edition of #DevoxxMA took place in Taghazout-Agadir and was an absolute blast. We welcomed more than 2,000 participants, as well as 120 speakers from renowned technology companies. 3 days of growth, knowledge sharing, and fun were enjoyed in this vibrant region.

Featured Speakers

software engineer, business analyst, data architect, database administrator, integration engineer, application architect, enterprise architect.
Java Champion and Kotlin fanatic.
Principal Data Science Architect and the Head of Developer Relations at Hazelcast
Jakarta EE Developer Advocate at Eclipse
senior developer advocate at VMware
Java Champion, Passionné par le développement de logiciels et par la veille technologique
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Senior Developer Advocate Azul systems
Developer and Evangelist at elastic and French spoken language User Group creator.

Enlightening Talks


6 ans et 12 versions plus tard, ou en est-on des modules en Java ?

Le 21 septembre 2017, Java 9 voyait officiellement le jour intégrant l’une des fonctionnalités les plus polémiques de la plateforme : JPMS, l’aboutissement d’années d’effort du projet Jigsaw pour modulariser Java. 
Aujourd’hui, 6 ans et 12 versions de Java plus tard, cette feature est régulièrement dépeinte comme seulement une contrainte qui a bloqué de nombreux utilisateurs en Java 8 et empêché les éditeurs de framework de faire évoluer sereinement leur produit. Mais qu’en est-il vraiment ? 
Dans ce talk, nous reviendrons sur les raisons de la faible popularité de JPMS et verrons comment celui-ci pourrait répondre à nos besoins de sécurité et packaging léger à l’ère de Cloud. 

David Pilato

La recherche à l'ère de l'IA

La recherche ne se contente plus de l’approche maintenant traditionnelle basĂ©e sur la frĂ©quence des termes (TF/IDF ou BM25) mais plus sur la tendance actuelle du machine learning oĂą les nouveaux modèles ont ouvert une nouvelle dimension pour la recherche.

Cette conférence donne un aperçu de :

  • La recherche “Classique” et ses limitations.
  • Qu’est qu’un modèle de machine learning et comment vous pouvez l’utiliser.
  • Comment utiliser la recherche vectorielle ou la recherche hybride dans Elasticsearch.
  • Comment ChatGPT d’OpenAI ou les “large language models” (LLMs) similaires viennent jouer naturellement avec Elastic.

Quentin ADAM

How software is the key of future economy and properity for all, what is your role in it?

In the heart of the 21st century, software emerges as a transformative force, reshaping global economic frameworks. From revolutionizing business operations to birthing the tech-centric economy, its influence is pervasive and potent.
The rise of the digital economy, exemplified by innovations like e-commerce and digital banking, is undeniably accelerated by regions like Maroc. Maroc’s digital transition serves as an emblem for Panafrican nations, epitomizing the power of collective technological growth through Panafricanism.

Stephen Chin

Know Your Ingredients: Security Starts With the Source
One of the most neglected parts of application security is the ingredients that go into developing software. Over 80 percent of code used in enterprise applications comes from open source dependencies, but how much attention goes towards the provenance and security of those packages. And in the pursuit of accelerated software development, developers are leveraging more and more libraries and also code “created” by generative AI algorithms, so how do you prevent defects or malicious payloads from compromising your security.

Gerrit Grunwald

Welcome to the Jungle - A safari through the JVM landscape

OpenJDK with it’s Java Virtual Machine is great but there is not only one flavour but many. There is Oracle OpenJDK, Eclipse Temurin, IBM Semeru, Amazon Corretto, Azul Zulu, Alibaba Dragonwell, Huawei Bi Sheng, Tencent Kona and many more. Did you ever ask yourself which one is better, faster, free or something similar? Or do you want to know where the differences are in those distributions, well then this session might bring some answers to your questions. It will give you an idea about what the JVM is and will cover all the available distributions not only of OpenJDK but also of GraalVM and will try to explain the differences and features of the available distributions. It will also try to give you an idea what JVM to use for specific use cases.

Zineb Bendhiba

Connecting disparate systems in a lightweight way

Have you ever struggled with connecting systems that were not designed to communicate with each other? This is a common challenge faced by many microservices architectures today. In this talk, we’ll explore some of the tools and approaches that can help you break down these silos and integrate your microservices with external systems seamlessly, allowing for faster development cycles and more efficient integration.
We’ll start by introducing Apache Camel, a powerful tool that offers over 300 connectors to transfer data between a wide variety of systems. With its rich set of routing, filtering, and transformation capabilities, Camel is a versatile system integration tool that can help you integrate your systems more efficiently.