Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may god assist him 🇲🇦
October 2 - 4 - Devoxx Morocco 2024 - 🇲🇦 Marrakesh 🌞🌴
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Speaker details

Graeme Rocher
Graeme Rocher is the creator of several popular Open Source projects including Grails (https://grails.org) and Micronaut (https://Micronaut.io) and co-author of "The Definitive Guide to Grails" (Springer - https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4302-0871-6).Graeme currently works as an Architect at Oracle Labs. Graeme in 2018 was awarded the Groundbreaker award by Oracle (https://developer.oracle.com/groundbreakers) for his work on Open Source.
With the recent release of Micronaut 4, the state of the art of building Micronaut applications has advanced significantly with new features and improvements for GraalVM, Java 17, Kotlin and more.
This session is for developers looking to go beyond the basics with Micronaut, with a deep dive into the latest features in the newly released version 4 of the framework and demonstration how you can rapidly build Cloud Native applications that are GraalVM Native Image ready.
Through live coding demonstrations of the framework, attendees will see first hand how to take advantage of new features like the compilation time Expression Language (EL) and improve overall productivity with integration with Testcontainers.