Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may god assist him 🇲🇦
October 2 - 4 - Devoxx Morocco 2024 - 🇲🇦 Marrakesh 🌞🌴
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Speaker details

sami garali
Search engines have undergone significant evolution, becoming an integral part of our daily lives. As users increasingly demand more personalized and intuitive search experiences, search engines are undergoing a profound transformation.
In this talk, we will explore cutting-edge technologies driving innovation in search engines, with a focus on three key areas: Voice Search, Question Answering, and Language Model (LLM) technologies.
Through real-world examples and compelling case studies, we will showcase the practical applications of these transformative technologies.
We will witness how voice search revolutionizes user interactions, allowing natural language voice commands for effortless information retrieval.
Moreover, we will delve into the advancements in question answering systems, from extractive to generative question answering.
Finally, we will explore how the integration of LLMs enhances search engines' accuracy and responsiveness, creating a more conversational and personalized search experience.