November 12 - 14 - Devoxx Morocco 2025 - Marrakech 🌞🌴 🇲🇦
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Throughout my 25+ years career in IT the largest part of which I've spent with JBoss/Red Hat I've had the pleasure to have worked together with some of the best minds in the software development industry. What sets those people apart, and how can we learn from them? I've distilled their behavior into 7 key strategies that I want to share with you, in the hope that this will help you succeed as a Developer, and pretty much whatever you choose to do.
Dimitris Andreadis
Red Hat
Dimitris has 25 years of experience in IT and he is currently Director of Engineering at Red Hat in charge of the Cloud Native Runtimes group that includes Quarkus, Vert.x, SpringBoot, Node.js, as well as his former WildFly / JBoss Enterprise Application Server teams that he used to run for several years. He also served as the JBoss AS project lead and he has been a JBoss addict and contributor from the early start-up days. He worked previously at Intracom and Motorola in the areas of NMS/OSS, designing reusable frameworks and distributed systems. Dimitris studied computer science at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and received an M.Sc. by research from University College Dublin, Ireland.
Dimitris is a passionate advocator of Opensource & Red Hat technologies and has presented on a variety of events and conferences around the world. He has been an invited speaker at various Java/Linux community events and user groups, and he has delivered inspirational talks on technology and Open Source in universities and educational institutes. In his spare time he has also helped with the organization of technology enablement events for children, like Scratch Days, Devoxx4Kids and JCrete4Kids.