Edition 2017


The 6th edition of #DevoxxMA in Casablanca welcomed a huge crowd with over 1200 participants, 120 speakers to lead 200 sessions, 3 side events and 2 training sessions. IT geeks who attended the conference had a great time networking and learning from our brilliant speakers from around the world.

Featured Speakers

Developer and Evangelist at elastic and French spoken language User Group creator.
Oracle product manager focused on open source technologies such as Oracle JET (oraclejet.org) and NetBeans IDE (netbeans.org).
CEO, Miracle Finland Oy. Oracle ACE Director. Author. Ambassador, EOUC (EMEA Oracle Users Group Community).
Java Champion and Developer Advocate at Oktadev.
Senior software engineer at Pivotal Labs, ex-Criteo, Spring Meetup & Papers We Love Paris co-founder.
Zane leads the Developer Circles programme from Facebook in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
R&D Engineer @Dassault3DS @3DSCATIA, Front-End Web developer, Speaker, 3DS advocate @Ellesbougent, One of @duchessfr Leaders, @Maydeeapp Cofounder.
Product & Partnerships @Facebook.
Help people and organizations recognize the value of working with Java on Microsoft Azure.
Dev advocate at Codingame.
Chief Data Officer @ CIH Bank.
A founder of the Apache TomEE, OpenEJB and Geronimo projects. Member of Apache, JCP EC, EE4J PMC, Jakarta EE WG, MicroProfile, Eclipse Board. CEO of Tomitribe.

Enlightening Talks


Building Cloud Native Progressive Web Apps

In this session, you’ll learn how to build microservices with Spring, deploy them to the cloud and expose their functionality with a progressive web application that can run offline. You’ll learn how to “build to fail” and create a quality, resilient application. Live coding will show how to use Kotlin, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Cloud Foundry, IntelliJ IDEA, Angular, and Progressive Web Apps.


Going Reactive with Spring 5 & Project Reactor

Spring 5 is here! One of the most exciting introductions in this release is support for reactive programming, building on Project Reactor to support message-driven, elastic, resilient, and responsive services. Spring 5 integrates an MVC-like component model adapted to support reactive processing and a new type of web endpoint, functional reactive endpoints. In this talk, we’ll dive into the net-new Netty-based web runtime and see how to integrate it with existing Spring-stack technologies, learn how to leverage powerful new testing mechanisms to make code better and life easier, and tie it all together with a live coding demo. If there’s more to your life than CRUD, you need to be there!


Functional programming explained to my grand-mother

Functional programming reminds you of old school memories. You have no idea what are the monads and you think ‘function of first order’ is an insult. Yet you find that lambdas have a certain elegance and you havethe feeling that immutability is a good thing. I will introduce you to the main concepts of thefunctional programming without brutality and without largewords and you can apply them directly byScala.