October 2 - 4 - Devoxx Morocco 2024 - 🇲🇦 Palm Plaza hotel - Marrakech 🌞🌴
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Talk details

The underrepresentation of women in STEM fields – particularly in engineering, computing, and IT – remains a significant challenge due to several common barriers. These include gender stereotypes and biases, a lack of role models and support networks, and work-life balance issues.
This talk will review studies that highlight effective interventions to address these barriers, such as mentorship programs, supportive environment, and family-friendly policies. These interventions are essential in offering the support and encouragement women need to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from succeeding in STEM. The roles of educators, employers, and policymakers are crucial in fostering an environment that nurtures and supports women's participation in these fields. By recognizing and addressing the challenges women face, we can work towards a more diverse and inclusive STEM workforce. A diverse and inclusive workforce brings together different perspectives and experiences, leading to innovative solutions to complex problems.
Addressing the underrepresentation of women in STEM is not only about fairness and equality, but also about enhancing the creativity and problem-solving capacity of the field.
Jamila Mehmandarova
University of Oslo
Jamila Mehmandarova is a Master's student in Information Security at the University of Oslo (UiO). She is passionate about cybersecurity, and has a big interest in threat analysis and cyber threat intelligence (CTI).
Jamila holds a Bachelor's degree in Programming and System Architecture, also from UiO. She has extensive and diverse work experience, including roles as a developer, research assistant, teaching assistant, and county secretary for a political party. Jamila's first research article focused on "Women in STEM" and the factors contributing to women’s underrepresentation in STEM fields.