Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may god assist him 🇲🇦
October 2 - 4 - Devoxx Morocco 2024 - 🇲🇦 Marrakesh 🌞🌴
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Teaching kids programming at a young age is really important to improve diversity in the field of computer science. Studies show that after middle school most students have already made up their mind about a career in computers, so having a positive introduction to computers at a young age is really important. I teach workshops for underprivileged kids around the world and want programming to be fun and engaging just like how I learned to program. I will share some of the techniques I use to get kids excited about technology, which you can use to teach your own kids or others.
Cassandra Chin
Colorado State University Global
I am a student at Colorado State University Global and interested in computer science and teaching technology to younger kids. I teach workshops for Devoxx4Kids in the bay area and also at international events like CNCF Kids Day, Jfokus, JCrete, and Devoxx Morocco. Also, I run a Minecraft server, so come and visit my world: https://tingsterland.com/