Mehdi Cheracher
Mehdi is a Software Engineer at Meta mainly focused on infrastructure, Distributed systems and Compiler technology.
He is the founder of the, a hobbyist competitive programmer, Moroccan scientific committee member and Moroccan Collegiate Programming Contest (MCPC) problem author.
Rust has ranked as one of the most loved programming languages over the last couple of years, it gained tremendous popularity through its use in Systems programming and Web development tooling.
Instead of focusing on the latest frameworks or solutions, we're going back to basics. We'll explore Rust by building common data structures from scratch, revealing the language's unique features and quirks along the way.
Our journey will touch on various aspects of Rust, such as the rules of the borrow checker, memory allocators, raw pointers, and the use of 'unsafe'. While some familiarity with Rust will be beneficial, this talk is designed to be accessible to anyone with programming experience. We encourage interactivity and welcome all questions.
If this sounds interesting, Come and discover the magic of Rust with us!
More Instead of focusing on the latest frameworks or solutions, we're going back to basics. We'll explore Rust by building common data structures from scratch, revealing the language's unique features and quirks along the way.
Our journey will touch on various aspects of Rust, such as the rules of the borrow checker, memory allocators, raw pointers, and the use of 'unsafe'. While some familiarity with Rust will be beneficial, this talk is designed to be accessible to anyone with programming experience. We encourage interactivity and welcome all questions.
If this sounds interesting, Come and discover the magic of Rust with us!