A deep dive into vector search technology and tools
Talks grouped by Track
Big Data, NoSQL, Machine learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, TensorFlow, etc
A DIY Guide to Building Data Pipelines with Python
Agents vs. Automation: The Rise of Intelligent AI Companions
A l'aide, mon IA est débile! Comment évaluer et améliorer son IA générative
A practical guide to prompt engineering
AutoScribe: Effortless Documentation, Powered by AI
Database Internals 101
Developer productivity for apps with AI
Enhancing GitHub Workflows with freeedcom/ai-codereviewer : An Open-Source AI based Pipeline for Human-like Code Reviews
Event driven et Serverless : le combo parfait dans GCP
Explainability and interpretability of maching learning models
Explainable AI : Pourquoi on doit faire confiance au Black Box ?
Fine tuning LLms: From Theory to Practice
Fonctionnalités Next-Level de LangChain4j pour des applis IA prêtes pour la Production
From idea to production under 1 hour with Neo4j and GraphQL
Gemini in Java with Vertex AI and LangChain4j
GenAI Beyond Chat with RAG, Knowledge Graphs and Python
Give Your LLMs a Left Brain
Java meets AI: How to Build LLM-powered Apps with LangChain4j
LangChain 🦜🔗: Votre nouveau couteau suisse
Machine Learning + Symbolic Reasoning: a Quarkus story on Artificial Intelligence
Mastering Speech AI : embarquez dans le développement d’une solution de transcription de vos contenus multimédias en temps réel !
Opening Keynote
See, Hear, Learn: Building Smarter AI with Multimodal Fusion
Tech for the Fan Experience at Major International Football Events
The Future Beyond LLMs: Exploring Agentic AI
What is multimodal RAG, and can we build a village with it?
Why are vector databases so FAST?
Zero Data Loss Architectures. Empty Promises?