5 tips to make your Java apps more awesome. Non-functional Requirements Exemplified.
Talks grouped by Session Types
A deep dive into vector search technology and tools
Agents vs. Automation: The Rise of Intelligent AI Companions
A Journey of Contribution and Collaboration in Open Source
A l'aide, mon IA est débile! Comment évaluer et améliorer son IA générative
All you need is fast feedback loop, fast feedback loop, fast feedback loop is all you need
AutoScribe: Effortless Documentation, Powered by AI
Balancing tight security with fluid Dev Experience, powered by GKE
Code coverage MythBusters
Code Quality in the AI era, needed more than ever.
Démystifier OAuth2 et OIDC
Dépasser le stress des collaborateurs : aborder les risques psychosociaux dans les milieux de travail modernes
Developer experience in a modern Java framework
Distributed applications and Kubernetes: Better off with frameworks, service meshes or both
E2E testing with Playwright for Web3 applications
E-commerce SaaS at scale, yes we get attacked.
Explainable AI : Pourquoi on doit faire confiance au Black Box ?
Flags of Flexibility - Unlocking Rapid Iteration
Fonctionnalités Next-Level de LangChain4j pour des applis IA prêtes pour la Production
From Coding to Leading: My Transition from Software Engineer to Manager
From idea to production under 1 hour with Neo4j and GraphQL
Going AOT: Everything you need to know about GraalVM for Java applications
How Kubernetes work, and other stories
How React Works - Extended
How to solve cybersecurity problems using microkernel operating systems
Is Loom really the future of enterprise Java?
Java meets AI: How to Build LLM-powered Apps with LangChain4j
Java - The One Billion Row Challenge - solutions dissection
Lean Spring Boot Applications for the Cloud
Lessons learned from building/deploying a large-scale payment system
Let's make the Internet accessible for everyone
Low-Cost, Unlimited Metrics Storage with Thanos: Monitor All Your K8s Clusters Anywhere and More.
Machine Learning + Symbolic Reasoning: a Quarkus story on Artificial Intelligence
Mastering Speech AI : embarquez dans le développement d’une solution de transcription de vos contenus multimédias en temps réel !
Monitoring Java Application Security with JDK tools and JFR Events
Mutants to the rescue: How effective are your unit tests?
NVMe/TCP makes iSCSI look like Fortran
Optimizing Resource Usage in Kubernetes
Performance oriented Spring Data JPA & Hibernate
PostgreSQL on Kubernetes: Dos and Don'ts
Quarkus meets AI : Build your own LLM-powered application
Réagir à temps aux menaces dans vos clusters Kubernetes avec Falco et son écosystème
Rediscovering Simplicity in Software Development
Rex scale-up: les impacts du passage à l'échelle
Rust-y Structures: Understanding by Building from Scratch
Scooby RAM, where are you?
See, Hear, Learn: Building Smarter AI with Multimodal Fusion
Shield your backend from outside attacks with API Managers
Sustainability Chronicles: Innovate Through Green Technology With Kepler and KEDA
The Future Beyond LLMs: Exploring Agentic AI
The Java Cloud-Native Stack for Microservices and Serverless Architecture
The State of Mobile CI-CD
Three approaches in API Development
Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way
Well-Architected Kubernetes
What is multimodal RAG, and can we build a village with it?
Writing Source Code Generators with Micronaut
Zero Data Loss Architectures. Empty Promises?